Protected Status List

The Cemeteries found on this list have been accepted by the Foundation for on going monitoring and basic maintenance. To be added to this list the cemetery must meet one of the qualifications as defined in the Foundations By-Laws Article VII as follows:



Section 1.  Any Cemetery, burial ground, graveyard, or plot of land where in a human being has been interred. and it IS NOT under the protection or control of a Church, public, commercial or other incorporated entity is eligible to be considered as a candidate under the Foundations “Protected” status.

Section 2.  “Protected” status will be considered on a case by case basis and depend upon several factors including but not limited to the historic significance, number of veterans interred, threat of destruction, or donation by descendants towards such preservation. The Program Director will work with the descendants and appropriate legal counsel to insure all easements, and gifts are transferred in accordance all applicable State and Federal laws relating to the operations of the 501 (c )(13) and transactions relating to burial grounds

Section 3.  Once included in the program with “Protected” status, the cemetery will be visited annually and limited maintenance to control natural vegetation, undergrowth, new saplings, and ground burrowing varmints will be performed.

Section 4.  Cemeteries included based upon a descendant donation will be governed by the terms of the acceptance of the donation

The following Cemeteries; have been accepted.

Would your Community want to claim a cemetery to protect. Contact us today.